Finding New Ways to Keep You Informed!
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Here at NGI Trenchless Pipe & Sewer Repair, we’re constantly searching for new and better ways to serve our customers. In addition to keeping your sewers and pipes in top condition, we realize that keeping you informed is important, too.
That’s why we’re experimenting with new ways to display our blog posts on as many platforms as possible so that you don’t have to waste time searching the web for the latest information. Now, every time we post a blog on our website, it will be automatically posted on our Facebook page, too!
All you have to do is “like” NGI Trenchless Pipe & Sewer Repair on Facebook and you’ll see a link to our new blogs in your timeline every time we post them!
We know your time is valuable and you prefer one centralized place for all of your info. We believe Facebook is the preferred place, and the data backs us up on that. Did you know that 1.32 billion people use Facebook every day? It is the most widely used social media platform by far. In fact, 79% of all Americans use Facebook.
The next closest platform is Instagram, and it’s not even close at 32%. 53% of Americans say they use Facebook “several times a day” (don’t worry, we won’t tell your boss!).
While all of this fancy internet stuff is fun, we want you to know that our main goal will always be to save you time and money on your residential or commercial sewer and plumbing maintenance. We prefer no-dig trenchless sewer repair methods because they are far superior to traditional dig-and-replace methods in that they save you time, money, and mess.
No more days wasted while the excavation crew digs up your yard just to find the problem and again when the cleanup crew comes in to fill the trenches! No more money wasted on that same excavation and cleanup crew! And no more messy landscaping that you are left to recreate once the crew is off of your property!
For the best trenchless sewer repairs around, call us at NGI Trenchless Pipe & Sewer Repair today!